HyperTuesday 44 - 024.5.21

Open Projects

    Breadcrumbs @z6Mkq...RcgWp
      Inline Embeds AKA Mentions are not part of the breadcrumbs for now.
      The document published to a group should show the group in the breadcrumb.
    Copy-paste and prioritize lists. @z6Mkv...pjBbW
      Fix heading indentations in publications.
      Rendering inline embeds when pasting
      Rendering Fix the image.
      limit the CMD+A copying @z6Mks...ESQGx
    Compare Versions. @z6Mks...ESQGx @z6Mkj...d4w8w
      Compare a draft to a version. We need an API. @z6Mkj...d4w8w
      Compare two versions. NICE TO HAVE
      Manage Conflicts.
      Collaborative Changes: Draft Rebasing @horacio @Isavc3
        Collaborative Editing between Collaborators.
        Document Diffing
        Review Conflicts in the same block.
        Update draft.
        Document Settings.
Branches, Groups, and Permissions R&D @z6Mkg...A7cgt



Upcoming Projects

Manage Collaborators (ACLs versus Caps) @burdiyan
    Add Collaborators
    Add Group Collaborators
Decent Conflict Managment
Branching Editing - Explicit Branches
    Create a Branch
    Select Branches
      Move Branches to the Document Settings
Creating branches enables multiple drafts and private collaboration
