Publish a Hypermedia site


What is a Hypermedia Group?

A Group is an Entity that manages a set of Documents and includes members. The members include the creator (Group Owner) and the list of Group Editors that the Owner added. The group has links to content with labels (PathNames).

Why do you need a Hypermedia site?



    a domain and access to its DNS records
    a server in which you can. install docker images
    a desktop machine

Install the Mintter app in your desktop machine

Probably you already have Mintter install in your machine, but if you haven't, you can go here and download the app for the platform of your choice.
Feel free to watch this video for a more detailed explanation on how to create your Mintter account.

Create your Hypermedia account

The Mintter app will create your Mintter account and it will be the tool for you to author content and start collaborating and share knowledge with your social graph.
if you already have an account, you can always reuse it and add a ne device to your existing account by providing your recovery phrase in the onboarding process.

Create your Hypermedia group

In Hypermedia there are three main entities: Documents, Accounts and Groups. The purpose of groups is to serve as a collection of Documents and people that you can subscribe to get relevant information about the group's topic. It also makes it possible to access the content inside the Hypermedia network via Sites.
To create your first group, you need to go to the Groups section of the app, and click in the top right button that says "New group". You'll see a dialog form where you can add the title and the description of your group. after you fill the information and click submit, you will be redirected to your groups page.
Now let's go out the app and start setting up the server for our group to be published.

Point your domain to your site

Before you continue with the next steps, make sure you have a domain and access to its DNS records and also a server ready with an IP you can point your domain to.
Depending on your Domain registrar, this steps can vary, but basically what you need to do is to create a A RECORD (DNS record) that tells your domain to point to your new server's IP. for example: If your IP is 12.33.444.555 and your domain is, you should create an A RECORD that points your domain to 12.33.444.555. If you have a subdomain the result should be the same.
If you don't have experience creating ne DNS records for your domains, please contact your domain registrar provider for further information and guidance. It should not be a hard or super technical issue.

Install the Hypermedia site software into your server

In order for your new server to serve all your group's content, you need to install the Site's version or the Hypermedia client. for that you need to enter to the server via SSH or your service provider portal and run the next script:
sh <(curl -sL <>) --auto-update
⚠️ YOU NEED TO REPLACE WITH YOUR DOMAIN. the flag "--auto-update" is optional but highly recommended now since we update the software every week with lots of improvements.
After your server installs the software, it will return a secret url. this secret URL is for you to keep, because this is what we need for the last step which is link both your new site and your group.

Publish group to your new site with your Site's secret

Now with your server with the software installed and you with the secret URL, we can go back and open the Mintter app. Please let's go to your newly created group, go and click in the three dots button on that top right corner and select the item that says "publish group to site".
In the dialog opened you will see an input in which you need to pasted the secret URL the server returned you after the software installation. If everything went well, you will see a success message, this means that you can now load your domain into a browser and see your group being displayed in your new site.
To make a complete test, I encourage you to publish something to the group. after publishing your first publication to the group, you should be able to see it right away in the site.
Congratulations! you now have a Site in which you can publish content and make it available to anyone in the work with internet connection and also a safe space in which you can collaborate and create knowledge with your trusted peers.