Possibilities of Hypermedia

In its stricktest meaning, hypermedia is media authors to allow for non-linear traversal.
In its more general scene, its media as a system, which literately changes its self, at a textual level, to the users.
I have used the plural of media, because one of the most interesting possibilities that hypermedia introduces is its social component.
All media is fundamentally a medium for communication. However, hypermedia can brake down the directional between the author and the reader. Instead both become users, and users may interact with the system that is generative of that system, at a textual level.
As Engelhart saw it, hypermedia is a technetium for collective intelligence.
Hypermedia also the relationship of different texts with each-other, its interconnecting cross-references makes adjacent hypermedia fuse, and hypermedia surround and consume non-hypermedia.
Hypermedia brakes down linearity in 3 ways:
    The trajectory of the reader. The defining feature of hypermedia is for a branshing and interconnecting reading experience. Non-linearity and engagment is the essence of hypermedia.
    The relationship between the author and the readers. Readers can add to the materiel and make there own connections. Indeed they can use the media as a space that facilitates and shapes engagement with not only the intention of the author but with each-other. In so doing, the generate the text of the medium its self. In the limit, each reader is as much an author. Both are users, and users are both. Thus hypermedia becomes social-media
    The relationship between adjacent medium. Since media can interconnect with one-another, if the do so at sufficient density, they form a larger hypermedia. Thus hypermedia becomes transmedia.
In inviting, and allowing the participation of the reader at a textual level, bringing them in as authors, hypermedia transcends Thing and becomes Place.
Hypermedia may seem dominant today, due to the web. It may seem like we know what it is and what its limits are. But I contend that hypermedia is a design-space which we have not barely even charted. Its a grate sea, and we have been sticking only to a few consensual harbers.
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